Friday, April 24, 2009

I have few regrets in life. One might be; I have not contributed to the advancement of the human race. When I look at the contributions of people like; Einstein, Edison, Sagan, Confucius, Salk, etc. I imagine a future of; interstellar exploration, limitless energy, and a world with no hunger or war, facilitated by the few who have devoted their lives to the development of knowledge. The goal: to further the perfection of the human race.

I sorta wish I’d invested my time, more frugally, in an effort to contribute to the endeavor. I suppose all great people require a support group so that will have to have been my place in this life. I hope I can teach my boys to take a more active path in perfecting our ilk. When I look at the last one hundred years, compare it with the last two thousand years, and try to imagine tomorrow, I get lost in Love, Infinity, and Perfection.

Why are there those who would remove our freedom? Don’t they understand how precious it is? They remind me of a parent who takes away a toy or tool from all their children because one child misuses it. They remind me of a parent who threatens a punishment he will never enforce. Are they really so superior that they can dictate what freedoms we have?

There is nothing wrong with the government of the USA. The problem lies with “we the people” who think we need term limits, BUT, only to limit the terms of other politicians, since ours are good so we keep re-electing them. We have term limits! They become very simple when we refuse to vote for an incumbent.

The corruption is in the politicians, not the government. Any time an apple stays in the barrel too long it rots. Our founding fathers devised a government to; be run by people elected from all walks of life, stay for a term, then return to their jobs and families. We have re-elected professional politicians who purchase our votes with promises and jealousy. They pit the rich against the poor, race against race, and they employ the media to propagate their lies. A question that occurs to me: do the politicians run the media or do the media work for a higher power and run the people?]

Something we may not be able to overcome in the ballot box: The politicians have managed to increase the size of government to the point where local, state, and federal government now employee a significant portion of the population. When you add the population being supported by our tax dollars and watch as the administration increases the number of people dependant on the government, they are approaching a voting mass that is better than half of eligible voters. How many more will be added by the legalization of aliens? That leaves us with limited choices; live with whatever suits the politicians, overthrow the regime, or stop supporting the socialists with our tax dollars. Since the aforementioned majority can not financially support themselves, perhaps their re-distribution of our wealth could be curtailed by cutting the purse strings?

In a nutshell; professional politicians are corrupt; (a broad sweeping generality). They must be replaced with everyday people who leave office before being corrupted. Their argument against: Training new people every term impedes the process: GOOD! The cost: we all will have to learn to live on our own without the support of the government. No more welfare checks, no more food stamps, no farm subsidies, no first time home buyers incentives, no subsidized health care, no tax deduction for mortgages.

How about a flat tax and government ten percent of the size we have now. There will be a cost for placing half the population on unemployment, probably a real depression. The United States of America rose from sloth in 1939 to the most powerful country in the world in 1945 and I’ll bet we could beat a depression by reviving capitalism and the republic in a lot less time than that.

We’ve taxed and regulated the automobile and steel industries out of business, and we’re about to do likewise to the oil companies. Politicians have legislated and coerced the banking industry into bankruptcy. The BAR and AMA have bribed politicians into forcing us to subsidize their interests with Medicare, Medicaid, and mandatory insurance.

Egypt did it, Greece did it, Rome did it, Spain did it, France did it, Great Brittan did it, and WE’RE DOING IT AGAIN! Maybe China will get it right?

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